Smart Ways to Motivate Yourself to Work Out

mother daughter stretching

Most people know they should work out but lack the motivation to actually work out. We all know we should exercise regularly, eat healthily, get enough sleep, and do many other healthy living tasks, but there is a big difference between knowing what to do and doing it. At the start of every new year, many people force themselves to start working out and stick with the plan for a few weeks before motivation lapses again. So long as the desire to get in shape is there, motivation can be improved, and there are plenty of new ways to stimulate your interest in working out again. A combination of psychological tricks and modern technology can bring back your motivation to work out, so you no longer dread that time of day. It is the start of a new year, so use these tips and tricks to get back … [Read more...]

How to Get the Results You Want From Your Workout

Are you getting the results you want from your workout routine? Did you start something new in January with the best of intentions and total excitement to achieve this new goal and then QUIT?  Did you miss your January fitness and wellness goals? 💪Do you feel exhausted? 😴 IT'S OK! ❤️ I have been there too.  I can help you with this part! I was the same way for YEARS.  I did so many classes at the gym and then I would burn out on them.  I did challenges online too.  I put in time running, training for a race, or on the treadmill at the gym. I did Weight Watchers too.  And way back in the day I took ephedrine.  Yup, I totally did.  Ugh.  I wasted a lot of time and money. I felt really bad about myself too which made no sense. Then about three years ago I did something … [Read more...]

What’s In Your Gym Bag?

Do you want to know what is in my gym bag?  I'll tell you what is in my gym bag. NOTHING. Nada. ZILCH. I work out from home, but I think you know that by now.  I would love to say that I carry around this very cute Adidas bag by Stella McCartney but that would be a lie.  Instead, I'll let you in on a few of my favorite, can't live without workout essentials.   In the last year, I have come to rely on these Epsom salt baths to detox from Lyme disease but also to relieve the soreness I get from my daily workouts.  They are a must and I do them a few times a week.  The blender with a cup is for the daily post-workout shakes that I LOVE.  It's the perfect pick me up after a strenuous training session and the best way I know to curb my cravings and forget about … [Read more...]


Who wants spend hours in a gym in the summer?  Not me! I like to get up, get a workout in and go! That's why I asked nutritionist and personal trainer, Sloane Davis to share her short and effective workouts which will give you more time to relax and enjoy summer. Sloane is a mother of two and her story goes a little something like this- Throughout her 30’s and 40's she starved herself so that the scale read a certain number. Hungry, unhappy and deprived, in her 40’s she decided to end the obsession with food, intense cardio and on transition her mind and body – and did it work! See her profile in and RECENT TV Straight from Sloane Herself I'm not a fan of spending hours in the gym especially when it is summertime.  I have other things I … [Read more...]

Back in the Game

With all the running around, squatting and going up and down stairs while lifting heavy cans of paint you would think I would not feel so out of shape but I do.  The reality behind getting one house ready to rent, moving everything out of it and your family while renovating another house is that there isn't time for much else. Going to the gym despite my best efforts has just not fit into the schedule. … [Read more...]

Fuel Up with Power Smoothies

It's that time of year again! It's time to start thinking about New Year's resolutions, hitting the gym extra or you know, just taking a brisk walk outside.  All those holiday indulgences might be hitting you hard in the hips, stomach, and jeans.  I have a friend who calls the time between Christmas and New Year's Eve "toxin' time" because as of January 1 we all want to detox from it. Whenever I want to clean up my diet (by diet I mean what I am eating daily, not some program to lose weight) I start the day with a smoothie.  I do all types, I mix in fruit, vegetables, protein powders, flax seeds, chia seeds, yogurt, I could go on.  Each type fuels the style workout I am going to do that day or rebuilds my body after I have exercised. … [Read more...]

Only the Essential

It's been a while since I have posted anything regarding "my fitness".  I spent the last two weeks of summer barely making a dent in my workout wear.  Now that school is back in session and a routine is being established the sweaty laundry is piling up. I'm so excited to show off some of my new items from SQN Sport. What's SQN stand for?  It's Latin for "only the essential". That's what SQN Sport is all about too.  Using the economy of style for sportswear.  And they do it well. … [Read more...]