Are You Living a Reactionary Life?

My worst nightmare. Are you living a reactionary life or are you putting habits and practices into place that can change your life? I capital 'H' hate spiders. 🕷🕸🕷 I don't even like them in emoticon form. They cause me to react. So I guard my house against them throughout the year. Small steps but it works. Every day you have a choice to change your life with the steps we take, the words we speak, the thoughts we have. All if that is in our control too. What we think becomes how we speak. How we speak becomes how we act.👇 Do you think, "I'm a terrible mother" and then find yourself reacting that way and the being filled with regret? Do you think negatively about your spouse, home or job and then spew words of anger and discontent towards them or about … [Read more...]

Do You Want to Transform Yourself?

I have a confession to make.     🌱Transformation doesn't happen overnight. The last year of my life is pure proof of that.  There were days I thought I had beat the diseases running rampant within my body only to fall a few steps backward and have to rebuild again. Now there are more good days than bad.  Now I see a future and it looks wildly different than I ever imagined.  I'm full of more joy.  I see more wonder in the world.  I think that was all part of the plan too. One of the best things I did to heal was to KEEP MOVING no matter how unmotivated I felt there was always a walk, yoga or something gentle until I can build strength again.  Today?  My body may not be in remission but it is STRONGER than it was before I got sick. How Crazy Is That? My doctor is amazed … [Read more...]

Ways To Practice Self Care During Fertility Treatments

For many women, the journey to becoming a mother is one of the most difficult struggles they will ever face. If you are currently in the midst of IVF or other fertility treatments, you might know this difficulty all too well. About 85-90% of infertility cases are treated with drugs or surgery, and this process can be taxing. From the news of your infertility to the actual intensity of treatment, you might be feeling emotionally and physically drained. And this is why self-care is more important than ever. While a self-care ritual might be the last thing on your mind, there are steps you can take to make yourself feel calmer and in control of your situation. While there are many tips floating around the internet, here are some simple ideas to get you started. Get enough … [Read more...]

5 Ways to Feel Good this Holiday Season

I'm just going to say it, the holiday season is upon us!  Let's not fuss and gripe about it being earlier and earlier each year. Instead, focus on the good and all the ways we can feel good this holiday season. Source: Alisa Anton, You may have noticed that things have changed around here.  Less is more? I'm not sure when it comes to blogging but I do know that serious health issues have made it impossible for me to work and the guest posts have really racked up around here.  That's fine.  While I continue to heal and still figure out what exactly has me in full body pain and fatigue daily, I'm happy to let others share their voice. Share.  That's a great way to feel good.  Share your love. Share your blessings. Share your home and whatever you have.  I love to share my … [Read more...]

The Challenge to Change

Disclosure:  TMC was sponsored by MinuteClinic to attend Blogher 2013.  Reviews are done without compensation and all opinions are my own.  I can't think of a better time to get back into a challenging new workout or change-up one than after a trip. Whether it is for work or vacation your body is ready for something different when you return home.  It might be something you dread at first (ME! I DO!) but if you just push yourself to get started, to put on the clothes, go outside or into the gym to a class you have never tried before, you will discover a new energy that you did not have prior to that workout.  Trust me, it's true.  New energy and exhilaration mixed with exhaustion but still Awesome with a capital 'A'. … [Read more...]