Green Your Way Back to School

I don't know about you all but I have been craving more of a routine the last few weeks.  I'm ready to jump into the new school year!  But not without a little prepping of course.  I mean I can't just open the front door and say, "Ok kids, figure it out from here.  See you at 3!"  It's more of a few weeks of careful planning, budgeting and figuring out the best way to go about getting back to school and then opening that front door... Guest blogger, Ken Myers has a few ideas to help ease us all into the new semester in a simple but green way. What ways do you save or go green for back to school?  … [Read more...]

7 Simple Items to Help Live Greener and Reduce Your Bills

Spring is here, Earth Day is coming up and I find myself not just spring cleaning but looking for ways to simplify our lives, save money and be better at living green.  Paul Taylor from is our guest contributor on the topic this week and has a lot of great things to stay about being greener and how it doesn't take a lot to make a big difference. Let's get started- … [Read more...]