How ‘A New Day’ at Target Gave Me Unicorn Pants

Last week I found myself back at the old bullseye also known as Target for what felt like the billionth time in weeks.  Yes, we needed more school supplies (Dear, middle school you can stop now with all the per class special requests) and some items for the girls' new fall activities.  Wouldn't you know it also gave me time to check out the 'A New Day' line in the Target women's department? And there on a rack chocked full of boring black and navy dress pants I found what is now referred to as my "Unicorn Pants".  I swear, I was only looking and not planning to buy.  But then, well, unicorn pants. How do I describe these pants?  They are incredibly soft to the touch.  They look dressy but can be dressed down too. They are a small but sentimental nod to our old life in the … [Read more...]