5 Steps to Amazing Arms

I try not to make New Year's resolutions  because the idea just makes me cranky. Yet, there is always something lurking in the back of my mind that I want to accomplish or try for during the year.  This year my secret goal was "Michelle Obama" arms.  After seeing the changes in my back and arms from a summer doing ME, I wanted more.  It's a real work in progress that shows me just how much dedication it takes to get those sculpted biceps and triceps but I'm lovin' it so far.  But I need some help so I talked to fitness experts and yes, celebrity trainers, Jennifer Devilliers and Jolie Kobrinsky, co-founers of The Prime Method.  Using five exercises and taking about 4 weeks they  have helped stars get toned and red carpet ready.  I wanted in.  … [Read more...]