At 8

  Last week I walked into your room, which is now your own little world, and as I stepped over the Lego creations, workbooks left open, abandoned paper dolls and bits of American Girl paraphernalia I saw just how big you have grown in such a small space of time.  I thought about how eight years ago your father and I were enjoying our last bit of time as a twosome eating  out numerous times sans baby carrier and diaper bag.  We had no idea what we were doing and I remember toasting to your one month birthday because you had survived our inept first month of parenting. Rollin' with my homies   TD, you have grown into a sweet, thoughtful girl who shows joy through maniacal laughter, wild eyes and a request for immense amounts of sugar.  You are half UniKitty  and the rest … [Read more...]

Seven Years In

  It is the night of your seventh birthday.  The house is quiet.  You and your sisters lay exhausted and asleep in your beds.  The last 24 hours a whirlwind of birthday streamers, balloons, sugar-frosted cakey dreams punctuated with laughter, fun friends and good wishes from family.  The only noise I hear right now is that of the Oscars droning on in the background.  I sit surrounded by a tiny golden light lost in the thoughts of the day as glittering stars smile their toothy grins.  … [Read more...]

First Day, First Grade

TD starting first grade. Last night I checked on the girls before heading to bed, something we do each night, and I looked at TD in her sleep.  She still looks so much like the infant she once was when she slumbers.  It's hard to believe that she is big enough to board a school bus, for a second year. Here's to TD having a wonderful first day of the school year!  I don't remember my first day of first grade too well, but I do remember my teacher Mrs. Tessio telling us about the skeletons that she had hung in our classroom windows .  She said they were kids who would have been second graders if they only they hadn't misbehaved.  Any day is better than that one! … [Read more...]

Overheards: I’m the Boss

Scene:  Sitting at my parents dining room table and eating dinner with the girls and my parents.  We are visiting them for our spring break. TD:  "Mem?  Pep is the boss in this house. He is the boss of you.  He's the oldest." … [Read more...]

A Tiny Dictator Turns Six

Six, as a child, seems like such a big deal. You think you are so grown-up and out in the world.  Move over baby-ish five!  Enter SIX!  Land of lost teeth, riding the bus, reading your own books, learning to tell time and wishing more than ever for a room of your own. At least in TD's case. … [Read more...]

Like Mother, Like Daughter

And I cringe each time I see this picture TD brought home from Kindergarten. I asked her what everything was and she looked at me with a huge smile and said, "Accessories!" What do I expect really? She sees this stuff coming into our house, minus the crown, on an almost daily basis. At least she didn't say, "Um, must-have's Mom! Duh!"  That would have made me throw out all my mascaras, crowns, and lip gloss. Heh.   … [Read more...]