Are You Living a Reactionary Life?

My worst nightmare. Are you living a reactionary life or are you putting habits and practices into place that can change your life? I capital 'H' hate spiders.Β πŸ•·πŸ•ΈπŸ•·Β I don't even like them in emoticon form. They cause me to react. So I guard my house against them throughout the year. Small steps but it works. Every day you have a choice to change your life with the steps we take, the words we speak, the thoughts we have. All if that is in our control too. What we think becomes how we speak. How we speak becomes how we act.πŸ‘‡ Do you think, "I'm a terrible mother" and then find yourself reacting that way and the being filled with regret? Do you think negatively about your spouse, home or job and then spew words of anger and discontent towards them or about … [Read more...]