Aging Gracefully: Slow Down, But Never Stop Moving

You're young, full of zest, and ready to live a balanced and enriched life; it can be hard to imagine that time will continue to drudge ever onward (usually too quickly), that you won't always be young and able-bodied, but it's true. Before you know it, your body will start creaking as bad as your grandparents', with aching knees informing you of coming storms and bad backs that threaten your sleep if you so much as look at something heavy. Luckily, you don't have to just sit and let it happen -- which, ironically, is the problem. If you sit on a couch for 30 years, you're not really allowed to suddenly be shocked when walking more than a mile causes pain to radiate out of your hips and lower back. Motion is lotion: the sooner you start moving, even if it's just a little, you will age … [Read more...]