Motorcycle Safety Tips For Fall Rides

In recent years, motorcycle safety has been improving bit by bit. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the number of fatal motorcycle accidents in 2017 was 5,172 — a 3% drop from the year before. However, any number over zero is still far too high for motorcycle deaths. Use these tips to keep you safe on the road when you're riding your motorcycle. Wear A Helmet, Even If It Isn't The Law Believe it or not, not all states have a law requiring the wearing of a helmet while riding a motorcycle. That doesn't mean, however, that there aren't consequences to skipping on this important safety gear. Helmets can dramatically reduce the chances of getting into a fatal crash, and if you are in an accident, it gives you a better shot at walking away from it. Regardless of … [Read more...]

How to Recognize and Report a Drunk Driver, Safely

Every day, drivers encounter a variety of dangerous situations on the road. While ice and heavy traffic are familiar hazards, every now and then particularly frightening situations can arise. One troubling scenario a driver might find themselves in is suspecting another driver on the road of drunk driving. In fact, every two minutes, someone is injured in a drunk driving crash. Though not always preventable, knowing the signs of a drunk driver and knowing how to report one can help save lives. There are several warning signs drivers can look for that could indicate drunk driving and that warrant a report, including: Swerving or uncontrolled turns Driving unusually slow Erratic breaking and acceleration Straddling lines or crossing into the wrong lane Inappropriate … [Read more...]

3 Ways to Drive Safe This Spring

We often think that winter is the most hazardous of driving seasons.  That may be true with the snow, ice and sleet mess that can muck up the roadways but spring runs a close second.  That old phrase, "April showers bring May flowers." can signal heavy rain or even hail.  Not to mention that springtime signals the end to hibernation for many animals.  That's why it is important to keep these tips and bits of advice in mind when hitting the road so you can drive safe this spring. First, keep in mind that while the warmer temps make us want to get outdoors that means others are out on there too.  More pedestrians and bikes are out and about.  Stay alert and utilize your extra car features like blind spot monitoring and make sure your wipers and lights are in good working order.  Ditto for … [Read more...]