Hello, It’s Been A While

Remember me?  I think it's time to introduce myself again. I'm Vicky. Mother to three girls, writer, dog mom to one Doberman, two-time Post-Partum Depression survivor, chronically ill with Lyme Disease and co-infections (#lymewarrior), domestic violence survivor, and fitness coach.  Whew! What sets me apart from all the other blogs out there?  Nothing, but my own unique story, my take on life and the fact that I live by a ton of quotes (mostly film and TV-related) but this one in particular, "It ain't about how hard you hit; it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward." * In my former life, before Lyme tried to take me down, I reviewed cars, wrote about fashion trends and picks. I talked about my early days of parenting back when Mommy blogs were all the rage.  I … [Read more...]

Cyber Monday Deal From Me to You

Welcome to Cyber Monday! This is me. Healthy. Fit. Full of life back in September when H and I went to Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic with NO KIDS! Despite all my health issues from Lyme and tick co-infections the best thing I have done in 2018 was to fix how I was eating and starting working on feeding my body the right way and getting it stronger than ever. It's working, don't you think? I would have never posted that picture before. So, how are you feeling about 2019? Are you like, "Ugh, Vicky. It's the holidays. I'm not there yet." That's fine. I get it. I totally understand. We don't often want to think of the things we need to do for ourselves to be healthy until it is too late or already January. BUT.... Maybe you just want to see me before when I was … [Read more...]

Are Excuses Holding You Back?

All my life I was told I was too small, too weak to do so many things. I was picked last for everything from preschool to high school. I once dated someone who told me that his hitting me, torturing me and scaring me was his way of making me better and stronger. He was "toughening me up" because I was weak. I wasn't capable of being strong. When I decided to run my first 5k someone told me that I wasn't a runner. I wouldn't be until I had been doing it at least six months. WTF, right? I believed it all. I used them as reasons to dictate my life and keep me from trying things. It kept me scared and immobile and afraid to try anything physical or new. In the end, they were all excuses. Excuses I held on to because it felt safer that way than trying something new and possibly … [Read more...]