2 Weeks To Get Healthy

A year ago I had my world unravel. I thought I was healthy. I was working out every day. I'm a runner. I was lifting weights. I ate clean- enough. I thought I was on top of my diet, exercise and even my life.  I was a size six after all and in my forties. Isn't that good enough?  I was working two careers helping my husband start a brand new business while raising three girls.  We were a picture-perfect family that looked really good on paper. In one weekend my life was turned upside down by a disease no one could find or treat. I was told it was in my head. It was a virus or 90 other things that I knew it was not.  Every doctor told me that it was THIS thing or THAT thing.  No one was right. I followed my gut and found a doctor through a blog. Ha! The irony that it is another blog that … [Read more...]