Finding Yourself & Fighting Through Chronic Illness

In the winter of 2018, my illness was raging and using my body as a battlefield. Chronic illness warriors, you know what I'm talking about. At my weekly therapy session, I described to my therapist about how my inability to work, be busy and "normal" had shown me a new side of myself, except it wasn't quite so new. In fact, I was getting reacquainted with the old me. The base me. The me I knew as a child and as a teen. I Lost Myself to the Busy.  I think that's fairly normal.  Once I realized this I also quickly noticed how much I missed that quiet person.  I'm an introvert.  An introvert with strong opinions, who loves light but finds beauty in darkness.  Having the real me back was eye-opening.  Finding the essence of who I am at my core again was exhilarating and also something I … [Read more...]

Hello, It’s Been A While

Remember me?  I think it's time to introduce myself again. I'm Vicky. Mother to three girls, writer, dog mom to one Doberman, two-time Post-Partum Depression survivor, chronically ill with Lyme Disease and co-infections (#lymewarrior), domestic violence survivor, and fitness coach.  Whew! What sets me apart from all the other blogs out there?  Nothing, but my own unique story, my take on life and the fact that I live by a ton of quotes (mostly film and TV-related) but this one in particular, "It ain't about how hard you hit; it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward." * In my former life, before Lyme tried to take me down, I reviewed cars, wrote about fashion trends and picks. I talked about my early days of parenting back when Mommy blogs were all the rage.  I … [Read more...]