3 Things You Might Not Know About Me

Last year I did a blog post titled, '10 Things You Might Not Know About Me'. It was a hit.  I was surprised.  After doing this for so long in this space I didn't think that could even be possible.  But today, I bring you three more things you might not know about me.  I'm an only child. I used to play board games by myself as a kid and I have no idea how to play most card games.  I also talk to myself a lot at home, in the car or out in public.  People at Target look at me strange all the time.  That's fine. (See #22) I could eat popcorn every day. All day. There is never a time that I don't want popcorn. Movie theater is best, but I'll pop some at home.  I'll eat it out of a bag, box or in many flavors.  My kids call me the 'Popcorn Monster' and I totally own that title. … [Read more...]