Making a Break for It

Source: It's been brewing in the back of my brain and at the forefront of my heart for a long time now. I need to start making a break for it. For a few months there's been this cadence thrumming along telling me that I need to take time some time off.  That what is really important is for me to slow down.  To take the summer off (OK, maybe not the WHOLE summer) and just be with my family, stop feeling run down and just be more present, which sounds like a whole lot of BS, but it is true. #simplify #icantbelieveijusthashtaggedthat #bless   Truthfully, it scares the living daylights out of me.  I've never done it. I've been blogging and working from home for 10 years now and I can't quite wrap my brain around how this will work but... Source: … [Read more...]

The Liebster Award

I was nominated for a Liebster award by Sandie at Fashonboucou, which totally made my week! Sandie has a fantastic blog that gives me ideas and inspiration for looks on a weekly basis. What is a Liebster?  The Liebster Award is a way to encourage readership and followers for new or small bloggers. It gets passed around and comes with a set of guidelines.  I'm finally moving along with this honor and bestowing it on others. Here are the rules: 1.Make a post about the Liebster Award and thank the blogger that nominated you. 2.State 11 interesting facts about yourself. 3.Answer the 11 questions asked by the blogger who nominated you. 4.Nominate 11 new bloggers with 500 or less followers. 5.Write 11 new questions for your nominees. 11 Random Facts … [Read more...]