5 Natural Ways to Get Allergy Relief

There is no good time for allergies to rear their swollen eyes, red-nosed, ugly head. Now that spring is in full bloom so are seasonal allergies. In our house, we like a multi-prong approach for obtaining allergy relief which includes both natural and traditional medicinal routes. Here are my top five natural ways to get allergy relief. If it is not a stuffy nose or one that is chronically running there are swollen, red eyes or a dry cough that plagues at least one or all five members of my family.  While I have more allergy relief than ever this year due to my strict Lyme diet (no gluten, no dairy, no sugar, no yeast) my kids and husband do not.  The absence of food inflammatories in my diet has made a radical difference in my seasonal allergies this year. There is a lot to be said … [Read more...]

#SpringItOn with MinuteClinic

The rains came. For many when rain comes it is a welcome relief from the pollen and symptoms from allergies. For me, it is the total opposite. While I feel a minor itchiness or red, scratchy eyes on sunny days my real irritation is when the rain pours down and everything is being washed away. I totally thought that was the case this week when we had rainy day after rainy day. Turns out it was not allergies but a cold. Absolutely no fun. Except the first day I couldn't tell the difference. I loaded myself up on my "Allergy Arsenal" and was frustrated when I felt worse as the day dragged on. So how can you tell the difference between an allergy and a cold? I've teamed up with MinuteClinic to break it down for you as well as offer pointers on dealing with those pesky spring … [Read more...]