Got Cancer? Hopefully, No.

Two weeks ago I got off a plane at Logan Airport in Boston, went into the women's room and as I washed my hands I noticed a red bump under my left eye. A sty? Drat! Mainly annoying and sometimes itchy I assumed it would clear up in a few days.A week later and no longer itchy the bump was still there. This time with new scaly action. My friend suggested applying hydro-cortisone cream to it and dutifully I did. The scaly bump stayed put. It just shed itself like a snake and resumed squatting on my face. I took matters into my own hands and tried anti-fungal cream. Gross, but maybe it would help. The evil scaly red spot would not budge. When I touched down into DC earlier this week after a trip to the desert the first thing I did was call my trusty, if not "Is it Safe" … [Read more...]

Pregnancy Hormones or a Case of “That’s Life”?

Next week we find out the gender of Dash Two and it could not come at a better time. OK, maybe today would have been good, but at this moment, it is needed.I need to feel some sort of connection with this being who is for all intensive purposes the size of an apple. Sure, I have now heard the heartbeat, which puts me at ease, but I need to see it. To know that it is growing normally and all looks good. Once we know the gender we can assign a name and make it personal. I can plan and begin to get excited. Also known as soliciting companies to give my boy or girl new crap to review. Heh. I can no longer think of Dash Two as just the reason my breasts are now possibly a new wonder of the world or why my otherwise delectable coconut birthday cake makes me puke it up each time I attempted … [Read more...]


I've been nursing some weird eye allergy all week along with a wonderfully red and puffy left eye sty. Fun times indeed. I've been shuffling around the house swollen eyed as T.D. says repeatedly, "Mummy Boo Boo...Oooh" over and over and over again. Then I eat fudge. With Marshmallows.I steal my kids eczema ointment to rub on my eyes and pop another allergy pill. My skin is so dry from the 24/7 allergy pills that my skin feels like it's cracking. So I furtively use some more eczema lotion and wait for relief. Then I eat a chocolate reindeer, antlers first.I finished working on Wednesday. I've been slowly gearing up for the holidays which also means skipping the gym and general procrastination in cleaning the house and running last minute errands. If you haven't gotten dressed up for New … [Read more...]


I am in a funk. Call it post vacation blues or the end of the summer doldrums, call it nothing. I don't care. I'm just in a funk. Funkified and not in a good, hey that music gets me movin' kind of way. So lets update shall we? Maybe I'll feel better at the end.1. The mole is no longer suspect! I can't tell you how great it was to come home from vacation and hear that on my answering machine. All of it is GONE!! There is nothing left and all I have left to do is my follow-up stitches removal visit and I'm sure a nice little lecture about sunscreen, etc. That's fine. My evil little mole is gone. Sure I have franken-boob, but gone are the scary cells and quite frankly I no longer feel the need to scratch out the offending area.2. Thank you to EVERYONE who offered kind wishes, good thoughts, … [Read more...]

Is it Safe?

Seems that pesky little mole of mine didn't like staying put. It had dreams and aspirations of traveling farther and heading to climates "deeper" and "sideways". So after some fun cutting because who doesn't like being sliced with a nice razor blade at 9 a.m.? Two little deposits were made in a specimen jar- lovely little tendrilly pieces with some slightly odd color to the top part. Gross, sick, and yet fascinating to meet my little nemesis all at the same time. Bye bye mole remnants! Have fun at the lab!A few more stitches later they think they got it all and I await my lab results. It also seems that we got it before it decided that deeper and sideways were fun places to visit but that it wanted more. More disturbing was the out and out whistling done by the doctor (Is it Safe?!) as he … [Read more...]

I Still Need My Mommy

Here I am 31, with a toddler, a mortgage and two cars. No garage. There's even a dog and three bedrooms with actual furniture in them and flower beds. Pretty grown up huh? Heh. Then the mole happened. The mole with 'suspect' margins. There will be further removal on Wednesday. A nice chunk I've been told. Excellent. There's nothing I like more than having my breast sliced open first thing in the morning. I mean come on! You have your morning coffee, get in the car, and a little while later some humming, chuckling MD is using terms like cutterage and you think, "Wow. I didn't even get flowers or dinner first."Then your husband has to go away to another state for the day and you scheduled a party with invitations and everything for the very next day. Too late to cancel and bags of products … [Read more...]

Just Like Dooce! Only in the not so fun ‘Ed Revisited’ Way

Some of you may recall my ramblings a few weeks ago about a suspicious mole. I had it removed last week. A simple little ten minute procedure where I was in awe of the sickening yet fascinating ways in which my skin could be numbed, burned, cut, and pulled all in such a short span of time. Fun, yet sick, in a fun yet sick kind of way. So surprisingly quick that I took advantage of the sitter and shopped a bit and then headed home. Ha! Fools who joyously shop and use up free baby sitter time unwisely pay in the end. Or at least that is what my addled, tired, and ever circling brain spent much of the night thinking about. That and having my chest cracked open. Basically my doctor called yesterday. A kind little man who is prone to humming as he heats up lasers and threads needles. Not in a … [Read more...]