So Long Old Friend

Recently I posted about how good it felt to come away from an afternoon spent with friends and colleagues.  It was the SVMoms Group DC Metro Moms Symposium and I needed it.  Weeks later it was announced that SVMoms would soon cease to exist.I can't tell you how sad this has made me.  Being a part of SVMoms/DCMM was one of my favorite parts of being in this field.  I not only enjoyed the camaraderie of other women, writers and friends but came away from each meeting and get together feeling revitalized, smarter and more accomplished. While DCMM didn't pay, it provided something so much more invaluable to me than monetary means.  There were adventures that happened because I wrote for that group, opportunities presented themselves that created more … [Read more...]

No Lemons Today

After peeing in a jug for the last 24 hours, dealing with a fevered Comedian all day yesteday and missing ladies night due to some weird cramping and lower back pain (but nothing takes the mind off twisted abs like episodes of Mad Men!) and in general spending the week feeling useless I decided to look for some silver linings.  Some lemonade versus lemons.  It is Friday after all and if I can't drink my weekend away in a Bloody Mary haze until some time in late August I must find something fun and positive.  Right?-It's sunny. The birds are chirping and flowers are in bloom.  Sounds a bit Julie Andrews but the weather has been weird, windy and gray a lot lately and it was totally getting on my nerves.  Just because I'm happier being prone doesn't mean I want to … [Read more...]

The Snow is Beautiful. Just Don’t Be an Idiot.

It is snowing in our part of the world again. White flakes big and small swirl around as heavy winds beat against the screens helping to form icy drips that coat them. All around me, I hear the same thing. A chorus of, "I hate this! I'm sick of snow!" It goes on and on in a never-ending cacophony of voices that I really do not understand.I hate winter. I hate the cold, the icy rains, sleet, slush and grayness of it all. The black, bleak branches of trees reaching up to an impervious grey sky make me shiver and bemoan winter's very existence. What I do not hate is snow. Snow to me is still a magical gift. It is Mother Nature's way of telling us to stop, look around and take a breather. The snow is a perfect way to get outdoors and see the world in a very different way. Everything is clean, … [Read more...]

It’s Just Sad

Blatantly stealing from Jodifur's post today because I can't crawl out from under my own conundrums here is what is "Crazy Sad".- I asked for a Polder meat thermometer for Christmas. I would rather it not be a gift but since I can't cook a chicken to save my life, I might actually need this thing.- Asking for a meat thermometer makes me feel like I'm 87 and should be named Pearl. I think patent leather box-shaped handbags are all the rage.  My best friend's name is Madge and she smokes Salems.  My 14 cats hate her and our long games of Canasta.- I can't for the life of me think of what to buy a one year-old at Christmas.  Still I would feel just awful if years from now she didn't see any photos of her unwrapping a present, just photos of her eating the wrapping paper.  … [Read more...]