Search Results for: the comedian

The Comedian Turns 5

In some ways it seems that it took forever to get here. As the middle child we worry that you would get lost in the shuffle. Accepting what your big sister TD passes down to you, what you learn by her example and what people think you will be like as her sibling. Already. All that worry. It wasn't needed. It all rolls off you like water off a ducks back. … [Read more...]

The Comedian Turns Two

The last year.  Where did it go? I try to think back and all I see is a haze of pregnancy and randomness.  Now, here we are, celebrating the fact that already The Comedian is two.  I said to H the other day, "It seems like she should be older.  Must be that second kid thing."  Or the fact that she can scale walls like Spiderman, makes H want to put up concertina wire over our balcony, is stealthy as the Invisible Man and can leap tall pieces of furniture in a single bound.  The other night she climbed the coffee table, then her chair and jump off the top of it into her seat all with a single, "Heeyah!" sound.  It was actually quite beautiful.  The grace, the swift, solid movement.  She could be a circus performer, I think.She's clever, … [Read more...]

The Comedian, One Year Later

Just think, a year ago today I was tweeting it up and doing this. One minute I was watching Oprah, the next The Comedian, formerly known as Dash Two had arrived.You looked up at me with those big, unblinking eyes and I instantly fell in love. While you are named The Comedian for laughing at all the wrong times and reasons you are also my little cuddle bug. As a 'no-touch, non-cuddler' I am powerless to resist you. When you burrow into my neck it is like kryptonite.In the past year you have been the bruisin' Blutarski of the house. You have learned to crawl with your head ducked down to avoid licks from the dog and you can topple your sister in a simple headlock. You like to yell at the neighbors from your kitchen window perch. You climb head first into the shower regardless of who is in … [Read more...]

The Comedian

So, what is up with you acting like a five day old Wolverine baby? All gnashing gums and razor fingers ripping at my decolletage. You find it all highly and sickly amusing. Are you illin' or just up to your usual tricks? Internets, I would like to introduce you to The Comedian. Formerly known as Dash Two this little bundle of non-stop giggles has shown us she has quite a sadistic *cough* er interesting sense of humor. Exhibit A:Me: Gaah!! Must nurse! Let's go Dash Two - feed!Dash Two nurses for 2 seconds, breaks off, looks up at me and smiles. Then laughs. She repeats this painful little move about nine more times. TD finds it all very hysterical. Me? Not so much.Exhibit B:Dash Two wakes up and I pick her up. She stinks. As I begin to change her my finger lands in something … [Read more...]

The Neo-Victorian

Last week was H and my anniversary, the big 14! We celebrated in true style- I headed to art class with The Comedian and he did dinner, dishes and homework duty with the other two kids. We decided to wait until the weekend to dine out sans kids and I was so excited when I realized that I had this great midi-length dress in my closet that I bought back in March and had never worn.   Neo-Victorian Trend by victoriamason featuring pointy-toe pumps SHOP THE LOOK DailyLook Pleated A-line Midi Dress/Nine West Burgundy Suede Heels (similar)/Jet Bead Studs (similar)/Jet Bead Dana Buchman Bracelet /Python Envelope Clutch (similar) Even better when I realized that my less is more style desire for the day meant I could also work in a bit of the Neo-Victorian trend that I love this … [Read more...]

All About the Stripes

This week it is all about the Fourth.  Don't hate me.  I'm packing up kids for camp, getting us ready for the holiday and I cannot stop wearing different versions of the stars and stripes.  OK, mostly stripes. #cantstopwontstop. TD, aka my clone, decided to join in with her matching sunglasses and new dress. Can we talk about how she wears those sunnies and suddenly looks grown up.  It kills me. Then The Comedian joined in the with her version. Followed by Diesel photo bombing me.  This dog.  He's my love.  I haven't talked about it but we rescued all 112 bloated pounds of him two months ago and he has had quite a turn around.  I waited years for this guy and he's quickly become my running buddy and stress reliever.  Blessed for real guys, every time I look into his sweet … [Read more...]

With a Cherry on Top

Now that spring is here we tend to spend a lot of time outside.  In the new place we have replaced sitting on our front stoop with reading on the porch, running around the back yard, more yard work (which I sort of love because it is another excuse to get outside) and exercising outside with bikes, runs and long walks.  It's bliss! When it comes to our middle girl, The Comedian, she may have been a fall born baby but she is all spring.  From catching caterpillars, to tucking lady bugs into jars and just plain ol' digging in the dirt it is hard to keep her inside or clean.  If I can get her off to school without a hole in her pant leg or bugs in her pockets it is an easier morning.  But just like me she has her girly moments.  She knows a cute dress when she sees one.  This sweet … [Read more...]

On Writing and American Girl with Author Mary Casanova

It's Friday and time for a little bit of fun.  In our house that means it probably has something to do with American Girl.  From the moment we moved into our new home the girls immediately set up different parts of their rooms with their dolls.  Each set-up, like the dolls, is different and was a way to show how much they love spending time creating worlds and adventures with their special American Girl dolls. The Comedian with Grace Thomas We were so excited when the Girl of the Year, Grace entered our house.  The Comedian may have received her but it was TD that devoured the book as soon as it arrived.  She couldn't wait to interview Mary Casanova, the author of the Grace series with me.  We had fun putting the questions together too.   … [Read more...]

Real Mom Style

You see my "Real Mom Style" every week.  I'm fairly basic in my love of classic looks that can pull double-duty when it comes to being a work at home mom.  I have lots of inspiration in creating my looks. One place is the trio of ladies that makes up Real Mom Style and the women who link up here each week at Whatcha Wearing Wednesday.  Let's see what they are all up to, shall we?  … [Read more...]

Laid Back Weekend

This weekend was what you would call laid back in our household.  There was time for the gym, reading books, some time at church and the pool.  I feel like balance can be hard, even in the summer, when you have a family with a few kids.  The older they get the busier we get as a family and as they create their own individual lives.  I love it, but it can get crazy.  Nights out with H seem more necessary now than they did when the girls were wee ones who couldn't talk quite so much. Heh.  I love it but time together is precious and I revel in each little moment.  Spending it with H at an outdoor concert after a delicious dinner out was just the way to kick off the weekend. … [Read more...]