How to Plan a Family-Friendly Camping Trip

Camping is a fun activity that is not only fun for kids but adults as well. It is a great way to escape the usual routine and bond with the family over a campfire roasting marshmallows. There are also many activities you can do while camping, ensuring each family member gets to have fun. Here is how you can plan a family-friendly camping trip.

Prioritize Safety

Whether you are camping using an RV or a tent, start by ensuring it is safe and all family members are comfortable in it. Another important safety aspect is tending to campfires. Most people consider a campfire a significant part of camping, but it can also put kids at risk of getting burnt. You can ensure the fire has been encircled with some rocks and that no overhanging branches are above the campfire.

Another way to prioritize safety is by being aware of wildlife, like bugs. It can be hard to avoid bugs when camping, as they are attracted to light and food. However, you need to take precautions, as some can be harmful. Approximately 500,000 people get admitted to the ER due to insect stings, bites, and almost two million Americans have an insect sting allergy. Therefore, carry a bug repellant with you and keep the camping site clean to reduce the number of bugs coming to your camping site.

Involve the Kids As Much As Possible

While packing, you should involve the kids as much as possible. Create a list of what they need to carry and ask them to pack for themselves. Then, double-check if they have everything. They can put personal items in a bag, and while you are camping, always encourage them to put those items back after use to avoid misplacing them. It would help if you also talk to them about the types of food they would like to eat at the camp. They will be excited and have a more enjoyable experience. And if you’re going to prepare food, make sure to wear Food grade gloves for food safety and proper handling of ingredients.

Check Out Fun Activities In and Near the Campground

Some camps already have planned activities for children, like bubble pits or tie-dying shirts, while in some, you have to find things to do. If you plan to camp for the weekend, you may have limited activities to do, and you will need to make the most of what you have.

For example, you can take the kids on a nature trail to observe birds, rock flowers, or nature in general. Some camps even have a nature guide to take you around. If you are there for a whole week, you have more time to explore many activities. Some camps have ziplining and jet skiing, which are common among children. For instance, the number of jet skiing participants aged six years and older in 2017 amounted to about 5.42 million. That means the range of fun activities to do is vast. Simply research activities offered before going.

Have a Cozy Sleeping Environment

Most kids have a favorite blanket, pillow, or stuffed animal they use when sleeping. You can bring them with you to the camping site so that they sleep better. Also, if your family has a sleeping routine, like reading storybooks before bed, do not skip it just because you are away from home. Finally, for any family member having trouble sleeping, a thicker camp pad and/or earplugs can come in handy.

Anticipate Possible Problems

Things may not go as smoothly, even if you plan well to the last details. For instance, carry a first aid kit with medical supplies for different kinds of injuries like bruises, cuts, blisters, and bug bites. It may be good to also carry a Satellite Emergency Notification Device (SEND) with you in case of emergencies. Cellphones can let you down when you’re not in a place with reliable service. With about 72% of people experiencing dropped calls or slow download speeds when making calls indoors, you need a more reliable means of communication while outdoors in nature!

With proper planning, you and your family can have a great time camping. Use the above tips to guide you when you decide the family can use some time outdoors.