Getting Started with Telehealth Therapy: Benefits and How it Works

The ongoing pandemic has put millions of people in stressful and challenging circumstances. Many of us are feeling the drain and the pressure from our current world state. As we all navigate these unprecedented and uncertain times, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed or stressed. There is no denying that we live in hard times, and the effects of that can be detrimental to your mental, physical, and overall health. Thankfully, this pandemic has also spurred modern technology to create new solutions. One of those solutions is telehealth, a safe way for patients to continue seeing their therapists through video or voice calls. Telehealth is a relatively new invention, so use this information to learn what it is, how it works, and how telehealth could help you.

What Is Telehealth Therapy

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Telehealth is a rather simple idea. You can use the same technology you use to FaceTime your friend in a different country to see your therapist remotely. While the technology might be the same, telehealth usually uses specific apps designed for telehealth. These apps or services are HIPAA compliant, focused on security, and cooperate with practice management software so your provider can safely store your information. Each app may use a different login method with some using individual accounts and others opting for unique links to connect to sessions. Regardless of what app or service your telehealth provider uses, it would be best if you took the time to get comfortable with the app before your appointment. You don’t want to miss the session time because you were fighting with the app. If you are uncomfortable with your provider’s chosen telehealth app or service, you should call the office ahead of time to arrange an alternative method.

A Telehealth Session

If you have never used telehealth before, you may be wondering how a remote session will differ from an in-person session. There are not that many differences. You will still see and talk to your provider but through a phone instead of in-person. You can enable your camera so your provider can see you or talk to your provider with only your voice. What you talk about, how your therapist works with you, and what progress is made is entirely unique to the provider and the patient, just like a typical in-person therapy session.

Benefits Of Telehealth

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Telehealth has the same benefits as traditional in-person therapy baring therapies that use physical touch or require professional equipment. If you saw a talk therapist before the pandemic, you can continue your sessions relatively unchanged through telehealth. Therapy is an enormous benefit in and of itself, but there are more benefits to telehealth you might not realize.


The most apparent benefit of telehealth is how it eliminates the need for travel. Instead of driving to your provider’s office and driving back home, you can see your provider from your house. This also means the provider doesn’t have to commute, nor does the office or administrative staff. Not needing to travel for an appointment is especially beneficial for people who live far away or rely on public transit to see their therapist. Not needing to travel helps everyone save money and reduce pollution by not driving when telehealth offers a better alternative. Eliminating travel also allows new people to access the care they couldn’t otherwise.


Telehealth was mainly created to keep people safe during the pandemic. Patients can receive the same care from home, which also helps the office staff. If in-person appointments were still the norm, the office staff would be tasked with cleaning the rooms before and after each patient. Telehealth means the patients, staff, and providers are not exposed to the virus, and staff doesn’t need to waste cleaning supplies to keep their office safe.


Telehealth also offers comfort and flexibility to patients. Instead of being limited to your provider’s office, you can have your session anywhere you are comfortable. If you never liked your provider’s office, you can have your telehealth session from your bed if you want. This flexibility also lets workers have their telehealth session in their car on a lunch break rather than taking time off to go somewhere.


Telehealth was created in response to the ongoing pandemic, but many benefits extend beyond slowing the virus’s spread. With telehealth, you can still see your provider and receive the same care, but from home. During these stressful times, take advantage of telehealth and see a professional help you navigate current events.


*This is a guest post by Naomi Shaw.  No compensation was received. Opinions are 100% those of the guest writer.