Tackling Ovarian Cysts With Food: Natural Ways To Balance Your Body’s Estrogen Levels

Ovarian cysts are more common than you may think. They usually develop in women during their menstrual cycle and many go undetected due to the fact that they aren’t causing any problems or pain; however, approximately 8% of premenopausal women will grow large cysts that require treatment. Ovarian cysts are caused by an overabundance of estrogen; because estrogen is both produced by our bodies and exists naturally in our environment, there are certain foods you can eat and preventative measures you can take to manage your condition.

Avoid That

Xenoestrogens are estrogen-like compounds in the environment. When ingested or exposed to too many xenoestrogens, our bodies can experience hormonal disruption, leading to the growth or rupture of ovarian cysts. Although most functional cysts go away without treatment within six to eight weeks, sometimes the discomfort and pain can be too much; avoiding the following foods — which are packed with these estrogen-like compounds — can reduce your exposure and help get your body back on track.

    • Conventional Meat and Dairy: Americans eat a lot of dairy products, around 647 pounds throughout their lifetime. Unfortunately, 60% to 80% of estrogens in the typical Western diet comes from milk and other dairy products; we’re not telling you to go full vegetarian, but if you’re suffering from high levels of estrogen, do your best to limit your dairy intake.
    • Soy: If you do decide to pursue a vegetarian lifestyle, stay away from soy. They contain phytoestrogens, which many believe does more harm than good. Additionally, Norwegian researchers discovered high levels of glyphosate in U.S. soy, which causes estrogenic activity believed to fuel certain hormone-dependent breast cancers.
    • Food Additives: As a rule of thumb, additives should be avoided as much as possible even in healthy individuals’ diets. From 4-hexylresorcinol (an additive used to prevent discoloration and increase the shelf life of shrimp and other shellfish) to propyl gallate, many additives possess estrogenic effects and can make your bad situation worse.

Eat This

Rather than dwell on what you’re missing out on, try to focus on all the ways you can enjoy yummy foods that don’t make your ovaries scream out in agony. Let’s take a look.

      • Insoluble Fibers: A diet high in fiber has been shown to decrease the reabsorption of estrogen in the body, lowering the incidence of estrogen-related health issues. Focus on fruits and veggies, and add fiber-rich flax seeds to your soups, salads, and smoothies.
      • Indole-3-carbinol (I3C): Many green vegetables contain this compound, which helps the body process and eliminate excess estrogen. Be sure to have a side of brussel sprouts, kale, collards, broccoli, or cabbage with every meal.
      • Magnesium: This nutrient is notorious for reducing the painful cramps associated with ovarian cysts. Dark leafy green vegetables like turnip greens, fruits like bananas, prunes, and avocados, cashews and almonds, and sunflower seeds are all rich in magnesium.

Since we’re trying to stay away from additives, it’s a good idea to look for these foods in the organic section. Around 76% of organic consumers cite their health benefits as the main reason for purchasing organic products; the lack of chemicals, hormones, and antibiotics are certainly better for your body, whether you suffer from estrogen dominance or not.