6 Foods That Can Boost Your Child’s Dental Health

When it comes to your kids’ dental health, everyone knows you should be taking them to a kids dental practice regularly for good oral health. However, did you know there are certain foods your kids can eat that can help to keep their teeth healthy? Let’s discuss some of them, along with reviewing the basics on which foods your kids should avoid to help them fight back against tooth decay.

According to the American Dental Association (ADA), you can use healthy foods from the list below not only to improve your child’s physical health but also their dental health. Consider the following foods your child can enjoy for a better, healthier smile.

  1. Fish. In 2017, there were up to 11.6 million youth participants in fishing. If you’re considering getting your child into the fishing game, think about introducing more fish into their diet, too. Fish are high in phosphorus, which can help to keep your child’s tooth enamel strong and healthy. While acidic foods and beverages can cause tiny lesions on tooth enamel, phosphate and calcium can redeposit minerals back into those lesions.
  2. Yogurt. Yogurt and other dairy products like cheese and milk are high in calcium and protein. This makes it a good pick to help strengthen the health of your child’s teeth. Yogurt also contains probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria that can help to crowd out the bacteria that causes cavities.
  3. Celery. Not everyone enjoys celery, but this vegetable can act like a toothbrush by scraping away bacteria and food particles from your child’s teeth. Celery is also a good source of vitamins A and C, two big antioxidants that can give your gums a health boost. Celery can also be helpful to prevent crooked teeth, which may be treated otherwise with Invisalign, a type of 3D technology.
  4. Almonds. Almonds are low in sugar while also being a great source of calcium and protein. Unfortunately, they can be on the pricey side when you’re out buying groceries. To make the most of them, consider using a handful of almonds in a stir-fry dinner.
  5. Leafy greens. The average American will eat a burger up to 4.3 times every month. If your family loves to eat out, be sure you’re packing veggies onto those burgers. Leafy greens are full of vitamins and minerals that can promote oral health. They contain calcium, which builds your child’s enamel, and folic acid, a type of vitamin B that has many different health benefits including treating gum disease. The best part is you can add leafy greens to any meal including smoothies, pizza, burgers, and more.
  6. Apples. Fruits like apples are high in water and fiber, which makes them not only great for your child’s teeth but also their overall health. After all, an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Apples help to rinse away bacteria and food particles in your child’s mouth just like celery. The fibrous texture of the fruit also helps to stimulate the gums to keep them healthy.

Sadly, more than 40% of children develop cavities by the time they enter kindergarten. But your child’s food can make a big difference when it comes to their dental health. By introducing more leafy greens, fibrous vegetables, and dairy products into your child’s daily meals you can help their teeth stay healthy and strong. Most importantly, make sure to schedule an appointment with a pediatric dentist for your child. A professional dentist will take care of your children’s dental health.