The Three S’s- Do you do them?

I have been talking about the Three S’s over at my FB group, Stronger Than Yesterday.

Silence, Solitude, and Stillness.

Do you have a solitude or silence trigger?

I know I do.

I find that my illness has made me reclaim the ‘Three S’s’ in my life. I thought I could do without them and I would often find myself crying in silence, feeling overwhelmed and intensely exhausted.

When I became sick last winter my days were reduced to silence. Not only was my hearing going, with some days one ear would just completely lose its hearing, but I could no longer multi-task or get up off the couch. Intense pain seeped into my bones. I found yoga helped reduce the pain and offered five minutes of silence and stillness at the end of each session. It was a saving grace.

Some days my vision would go haywire and I couldn’t fill space and time with books or television. I was forced to sit in silence with just me and my dog.

I soon realized I wanted more. After years of saying yes, filling my schedule, thinking I was better off being busy and not wanting to miss out what I was missing was me. The core of me was not in touch with anything anymore. Now when these moments of supreme exhaustion or of being overwhelmed take over I stop and ask myself why?

Was my schedule too full? Was there too much chaos and too much yes? Not enough saying no? Was I making space for any of the Three S’s? Usually, that is my downfall and where I have to say, “No. Stop. This isn’t necessary for you or your health. Your family doesn’t need the distraction. What it needs is silence. Time to just be quiet and spend some time in our home together in solitude.” It replenishes you more than any brunch, spa day or even pedicure where noise and distractions can still seep in.


    • Victoria says

      I’m a work in progress but there is no cure. Just remission which I believe I am on the path to right now. Thank you.