Are Excuses Holding You Back?

All my life I was told I was too small, too weak to do so many things.

I was picked last for everything from preschool to high school.

I once dated someone who told me that his hitting me, torturing me and scaring me was his way of making me better and stronger. He was “toughening me up” because I was weak. I wasn’t capable of being strong.

When I decided to run my first 5k someone told me that I wasn’t a runner. I wouldn’t be until I had been doing it at least six months. WTF, right?

I believed it all. I used them as reasons to dictate my life and keep me from trying things. It kept me scared and immobile and afraid to try anything physical or new.

In the end, they were all excuses. Excuses I held on to because it felt safer that way than trying something new and possibly failing.

Those excuses didn’t serve me. Just like your excuses don’t serve you.

I could easily believe that my chronic illness is why I can’t move some days and then just keep using that excuse. Except, now I know the power of movement and how it makes us physically, mentally and emotionally strong. Nothing will take that away from me today or tomorrow.

What are your excuses? Is it time to prove to yourself that you are stronger than your excuses? I think so. You got this. We all do. It is in all of us.

If you want to stop the excuses and start moving I can help. Just ask me how.