8 Amazing Foods for Healthy, Glowing Skin

Many, if not most, Americans are concerned with their appearance. Americans care so much about looking their healthiest and best that in 2017, experts performed 17.5 million surgical and minimally invasive cosmetic procedures. The number of such treatments is growing, too, as 2% more cosmetic procedures were performed in 2017 than in 2016.

Cosmetic surgery can seem like a drastic step, especially since procedures are often costly. Luckily, there are other effective methods for improving the appearance of your skin without going under the knife.

If you want a natural and healthy glow without spending a big chunk of cash on makeup or cosmetic procedures, try revamping your diet. Use the following guide to make food choices that will nourish your skin without breaking the bank.

Foods for Fabulous, Glowing Skin

  1. FishAccording to Healthline the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish like salmon, mackerel, and herring are excellent for healthy skin. The fatty acids keep skin thick, supple, and moisturized. Eating fish can reduce acne and even make skin less sensitive to harmful UV rays from the sun.
  2. AvocadosAvocados are also high in healthy fats that keep skin flexible. One study found that women who had high intakes of healthy fats had more supple, springy skin, and the Vitamin E found in avocados can help stall the oxidation and wrinkles associated with aging.
  3. Nuts and SeedsNuts like walnuts and almonds are rich in Vitamin E and omega 3 fatty acids that promote good skin health. Walnuts are also high in zinc, which helps the skin heal wounds and protect against bacteria. Sunflower seeds also are a great source of vitamin E, selenium, and zinc.
  4. BroccoliBroccoli really is as good for you as your mom says. Packed with lutein and sulforaphane, broccoli keeps your skin from getting dry and wrinkled. Studies suggest it even helps prevent some types of skin cancer.
  5. PeppersRed and yellow bell peppers are excellent sources of beta-carotene. Found in other red and orange veggies, like carrots and sweet potatoes, beta-carotene converts to vitamin A in the body, which works like a natural sunblock while also giving skin a warm and healthy glow!
  6. TomatoesTomatoes, according to Eat This, Not That!, have high contents of lycopene, which protects skin from UV damage. Tomatoes are also loaded with vitamin C, which is essential for producing the collagen that keeps skin strong.
  7. Dark ChocolateStudies have shown that the cocoa in dark chocolate helps skin remain thicker and more hydrated. Dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa can even promote blood circulation and help prevent sunburn.
  8. Green TeaGreen tea contains compounds called catechins and antioxidants that help prevent sun damage, reduce redness, and improve the elasticity of skin. As a bonus, green tea contains small amounts of caffeine (about 20 to 45 milligrams for an 8-ounce cup) that can temporarily boost your energy and focus.

Eating a balanced diet with an array of colorful fruits, veggies, and a variety of proteins is the best way to maintain your overall health and your skin. Nourish your skin naturally while grocery shopping, and you may never need cosmetic products again!