Top 3 Moving Tips For Renters

Moving can be a huge hassle that many renters have to deal with on a shockingly frequent basis. In fact, one-third of all renters move each year. That’s a lot of renters moving annually, and a lot of people that have to struggle with their moves. However, there are a few easy tips and tricks that can make your move to your new apartment simple, fast, and stress-free. Here’s how to move to a new apartment with ease.

  • Pack smart: It can be tempting to pack things away in the order you see them, just to keep the packing process moving along as quickly as possible. However, packing is the time to work smart, not hard. Organizing your boxes by room and the order you’ll be unpacking them will make sure you don’t accidentally leave anything behind. It will also make it much easier to find your items once you’ve gotten to your new apartment. If you have too much things that you can’t fit in your new home, you can put them in a climate controlled storage. Or, if you have a car, you can put it temporarily in a vehicle storage unit.
  • Unpack essentials first: Make sure that you keep anything urgent that you’re going to need as soon as you reach your new apartment separate in its own box or two. This way, you won’t need to dig around and open every box just to find where you put your medication or a bar of soap. This will save you a lot of stress once you first arrive in your new apartment; from there you can take a bit more time unpacking the rest of your stuff.
  • Read your new lease carefully: When you get your new lease, be sure to sit down and go over it carefully to make sure you understand all the paperwork you’re signing. It might not be entirely pleasant to be surprised with pet fees you didn’t know about, but it’s certainly better than running into trouble down the line once you’re already settled in. If you find something you have questions about, talk to the landlord about it as soon as you find it; bringing it up now is better, and if your landlord is open to negotiation on some points, it can save you some headache later on.

Next time you’re moving, try to remember these tips to save time and stress. Moving can be a hassle, but these tricks can make sure things go as smoothly as possible the next time you move to a new apartment.