Do You Want to Transform Yourself?

I have a confession to make.  


🌱Transformation doesn’t happen overnight. The last year of my life is pure proof of that.  There were days I thought I had beat the diseases running rampant within my body only to fall a few steps backward and have to rebuild again.

Now there are more good days than bad.  Now I see a future and it looks wildly different than I ever imagined.  I’m full of more joy.  I see more wonder in the world.  I think that was all part of the plan too.

One of the best things I did to heal was to KEEP MOVING no matter how unmotivated I felt there was always a walk, yoga or something gentle until I can build strength again.  Today?  My body may not be in remission but it is STRONGER than it was before I got sick.

How Crazy Is That?

My doctor is amazed at my abilities.  I’ve cried over where I’m at more times than I can count.  Being helpless so much this past year made me realize that what I missed, what I wanted to do whenever I could was to help others.  I may not have been able to take my kids to all their activities or even dress myself some days but I could offer a word of encouragement.  So that brings me to today.

I’m Here For You.

Right now. Today. I’m here to help you achieve your goals, focus on your self-care and find a joy for life that maybe you feel is missing or you just want to find a fitter you.

Who is ready to work on themselves this fall and do it with me?  Just send me a message in the comments.


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  1. says

    Vicky, your story and your journey inspire me so much! I am so happy for you that you have found your way back to health. I think we do find our greatest strengths hiding within our deepest weaknesses. And you are proof of that! I look forward to watching what the future brings for you.
