Operation Secret Makeover: Fixing Your Husband’s Fashion on the Down Low

Alright ladies, are you up for a challenge? Many of you have probably wanted to give your significant other a makeover at some point. After asking, you might have been shut down, or you might’ve never even asked, knowing what the answer will be. The trick is to start introducing stylish elements into his daily routine, and he probably will never even notice what you’re doing. Here are some stealthy husband makeover ideas for this bizarre and hilarious project.

    1. Buy Manly Grooming Products
      The male grooming market grew to $20.5 billion last year, and is predicted to reach $60.7 billion by 2020. This is no coincidence, but rather indicative of an overall cultural trend that seems to be incrementally shedding traditionalist gender norms. While still not very many guys want to use girly products, face creams, lotions, fancy shampoos and conditioners, and many other common grooming products with masculine packaging are fair game. Just buy some grooming goods for guys, leave them in the bathroom, and wait.


    1. Go Suit Shopping Together
      It might be a great strategic idea to wait until you have a formal event, but when you eventually do go suit shopping with your husband, you might find that he actually enjoys it. In 2016, a study showed that American men over 18 spent an average of $85 per month on menswear. Believe it or not, that’s $10 more than the average for women.While suit shopping might not present too much of a challenge for your stealth makeover project, it contributes to your overall goal very nicely. Besides, there are countless studies that prove men are more attractive in suits, and men know this.


    1. Compliments Go a Long Way
      Reinforcing your husbands grooming habits with compliments might seem a bit Pavlovian, but everyone likes getting compliments. A good partner should give praise to their significant other. It will increase his confidence and happiness, and that’s just good for everyone. So what if you have an ulterior motive in mind.


    1. Leave Fashion Magazines Out
      Men also tend to admire other men in a position of importance and power. Leaving a copy of GQ, or some other fashion magazine out on the table for a while will ultimately end up catching his attention in a time of boredom.


  1. Patience
    It’s a virtue. Remember, you aren’t trying to change your husband as a person. You’re simply trying to decorate him a bit. Be sure to stay aware of any insecurities he might have about some of the fashion tips you’re gradually introducing into his life. If he doesn’t like one of your suggestions, don’t force it.

One last thing: a difficult challenge. In America, 10.2% of people over 65 use a cane. Now, canes illicit perhaps one of the least attractive aesthetics you can imagine. At least at first, but we all know that canes can look cool. So, here’s the test of your husband’s makeover completion. Try to use your cunning fashion forward brain to convince your husband to walk with a cane before he turns 45. After that, you can come clean to him about your covert makeover operation and share a good laugh.
