A Mother’s Day Well Spent

It’s another week and I’m coming down from the high that was a fabulous Mother’s day. The girls made me gluten-free blueberry muffins that they served with fresh berries in bed. My Darth Vader mug full of hot coffee and the Washington Post accompanied the spread. I must have stuffed at least three of those fluffy, moist muffins into my pie-hole before heading out the door for a four-mile run. For me, Mother’s day is about freedom. I don’t have to be anywhere at anytime or do anything I don’t want to do. In the past it was a diaper-free day. Now it is more like go running without coordinating schedules with the rest of the family. I did four miles. A distance that I hadn’t done since the fall. As I made my way back to my block this happened. HappyDance Then I sat on my butt half the afternoon watching Jaws while texting the lines to my best friend in L.A. Straight up nerd, yo. The girls were so thoughtful and brought me a bucket of movie theater popcorn from their earlier movie and life was feeling pretty complete. Later, a nap occurred. It got even better when my friend Kristen and I decided to make a break for it. Gate Crashing at The Point From there it was sitting in a field full of only the sounds of birds while eating Thai food, custard and sipping bourbon. My kind of bliss. ThePoint


The ability to sit in a field where there is such vast space and such peace is the best kind of medicine.  I felt restored, happy and ready to tackle being back in “Mom Mode” on Monday morning.