Yogurt Pops Make for Easy Summer Fun

I will be the first one to tell you that I am so not crafty.  Glitter, beads, yarn and all those little things that make cute creations make me break out into hives. You think I’m kidding. I may like to bake up a batch of cookies or cupcakes and I’ve been known to make an octopus or ladybug cake but creating recipes and showcasing them on the blog or making holiday-themed crafts. It is so not my thing.  That stuff just stresses me out, man.


Occasionally, I will whip up something that it too easy not to share.  I threw together these Greek yogurt pops for the kids after getting beyond frustrated by the freeze pops full of dyes and chemicals hanging out on end-caps at my grocery store and staining my kids clothes after they got their hot little hands on some.   This stuff is less than ideal for The Fifth Element. Kids with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) don’t do well with food dyes, especially red, and I  needed something eye-catching yet tasty.  Those little jokers like their sweet stuff. These worked well and had them asking for more.


Happy Fourth of July y,all!


  1. Jenny says

    I just bought popsicle makers yesterday… with no recipe in mind. I can’t wait to make these for my sweet sweetaholic girl!