Happy Fourth Birthday


The Comedian turned four this weekend.  My original baby or ‘OG Baby’ as I like to call her is off to school, taking dance classes and adores all things Tinkerbell.  When we asked her what she wanted to do for her birthday, we felt sure it would be a bug-themed child’s birthday party or time at the parent-dreaded Chuck E Cheese.  Instead she floored us with the big girl choice of the American Girl store.  Mecca to her older sister, it seemed she had no interest in this place only months ago and yet there we were on Saturday morning loading up a red bag with Molly gear that made her squeal.  She took one look at the bespecaled Molly and said,  “You  have glasses like me. I like you.  C’mon! Let’s go!”  And off they went.

The last few months have shown a sweeter, more affectionate child who is so full of generosity and cuddles that she easily offers up her last piece of candy or a hug with the words, “I just really love you.  You are so special to me.”  It never gets old and sometimes those words are the highlight of my day.  Her name means light and it is something that she fulfills almost every day for all us.  My girl who loves to wear black, paint her nails black and deep green and wear anything from socks to shirts with skulls and bats on it has also perfected the monster “Bwaahahaha!” laugh makes me think that with hopeful glee that maybe, just maybe I will have one daughter with a dark side who will watch ‘The Nightmare Before Christmas’ with me without crying.

Happy Birthday Comedian! Your smile and infectious laugh lights up our days. We love you from the top of your sweet little head down to your instigating little toes.



  1. Diane says

    Love the comment about her loving to wear black. I remember a girl who used to joke about her love of the macabre and wore an awful lot of black herself!! That girl helped get me through a great freshman year! Still love you and seeing how your family is growing! Happy birthday to your sweet girl – may she always love to wear black! 😉