Do You Think in Facebook?

My addiction to Facebook was becoming too much, so for the past few weeks I’ve tried to ignore it. I’m not poking anyone or sending any garden variety type items anyone’s way. Who really needs a virtual Mai Tai? Not me. I dream about zombies enough, I don’t need to be attacked by them online. After a few days sans FB I realized something. My need to post my status in tiny sentences had taken over my thoughts. I had begun to think in Facebook.

For example, I would all of a sudden be thinking about the Muppets and Pigs in Space and my brain would process it this way-

Vicky is thinking of Pigs in Space. Next time on Pigs in Space…


Vicky thinks that Victoria Secret needs to get a new ad campaign. It’s only been a decade and they are still hawking their Angel bra as the best bra “ever!” Snooorre…


Vicky thinks that Facebook has turned her into Jimmy from Seinfeld.


  1. says

    That’s funny! No I don’t think like that. As a matter of fact I have a hard time figuring out what to put in that little box. Who cares if I am weeding my garden or folding clothes or cooking dinner. It would be easier if I was doing something I deemed worth reading I guess. My life is pretty boring.

  2. says

    I know what you are saying. My addiction began with myspace, to which I have two pages. Then of course facebook, but I have stopped playing the games, but I do miss my vampires. Now its blogging, and I am so addicted! My blog is new and changing all the time. BUT I still log onto facebook sev times a day to see the status updates. Michelle

  3. says

    Your post is precisely why I keep avoiding facebook. I’m afraid that I’ll get sucked in. And then I’ll be on the computer all day and miss life.


  1. […] in Facebook March 1, 2010 By Victoria 2 Comments It’s true that I’ve been known to “think” in Facebook before.  Now I’m apparently dreaming in Facebook.  I woke up this morning only […]