A Tiny Dictator Turns Three

How did we go from this relatively tame hair

to this insane but incredibly cute mess in just three years?!

Happy third birthday TD! It’s hard to believe that just three years ago you were placed in my arms for me to hold and love forever. You looked up at me with those big eyes and you felt so warm. I remember thinking, “Well, of course you look like that. I always knew you would.” But the hair? No. I could have never seen that coming. You are a loud, squealing risk taker like your father and a born nurturer like your Nana. You are sensitive and mercurial like your Momma. You instigate with glee and can be quite sneaky like me too. Am I allowed to say I’m proud of that or will it just encourage you further?

I love you little girl. You are quite possibly the sweetest, sunniest being I know.



  1. […] TD, you have grown into a sweet, thoughtful girl who shows joy through maniacal laughter, wild eyes and a request for immense amounts of sugar.  You are half UniKitty  and the rest is a totally unique combination of boxer, smart cookie, and negotiator who hates to back down.  You bring such joy to your whole family with your ever-expanding heart who is always up for adventure, making new friends and helping your sisters learn the ropes of life. […]